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Writer's pictureBonnie Lee

I got into the chalk festival!

I went to the Huntington Library to sketch. Aside from being captivated by my recent trip to London, I was equally inspired by my colleagues and their projects about Los Angeles. My friend Amy created a graphic novel about her experience going to the Huntington Library, which brought me here today to draw a cactus.

"Draw a cactus, "she prompts us, "it's your page." All of us listened to everyone's presentations intently on more than numerous occasions that I think we have all stored them in our long term memory!

Using an approach introduced to me by my teacher, I practice gathering more information for my chalk drawings. This is research and development for the chalk festival on June 17-18, 10 am to 7 pm. Dates with Los Angeles shall resume after taking a break, starting with the historical cafe at Clifton's tomorrow!

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